Martie Sluiter

was born on September 10, 1945 in Groningen. After graduating high school she trained as a pharmacist's assistant and she worked in that capacity during her working life. She married Everhard Niemeijer and had two children (Saskia and Michiel). In her spare time she devoted herself to all kinds of creative activities, such as sewing clothes, painting and later also quilting.

Classic quilting, but also more free forms, such as the quilt on which this glass artwork is based. Martie loved bright colors and cheerful tones.


Images of the build process

This artwork was created in close collaboration between the family and the glass artist Marjo Többen. The starting point was one of Martie's quilts. A round stained-glass window with colourful surfaces. Above the blue of the sky, below the land with different elements.
During the creation phase there was also constant communication with the brothers Ridder. The glass was finalized in a glass furnace.


This grave monument is the result of an excellent collaboration with 'Gebroeders Ridder natuursteen' from Bovensmilde and Marjo Többen of 'Artalon Gedenkbeelden'.

Marjo Többen

is the driving force behind Artalon Gedenkbeelden. She studies the person involved and takes unique characteristics as inspiration to produce really one of a kind glass artwork.

De gebroeders Ridder

Natuursteen of Bovensmilde have supplied the natural stone and assisted in coming up with a fitting design

Niemeijers in Huizinge

Martie Niemeijer married Everhard Niemeijer in 1967. Everhard Niemeijer is descended from Frans Niemeijer, a farm laborer who came to Huizinge from Lippe (Germany) to work. Huizinge is to this day a special place for the Niemeijers; even in 2021 a member of the family lives in Huizinge. And that is how it came to be that Martie was buried here.

Huizinge zicht op begraafplaats